Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Remember me?

I can't believe its been so long since I've blogged, I'm not sure if anyone will even see this!

Life for the DeWitts is going pretty great! Were kinda on a holding pattern right now, waiting for our little bean to arrive. He should be here any day. I feel great but very ready to hold my precious boy. The kids are beyond excited. Every morning Tessy (now 2) comes in and says "baby born?" then when I say not yet, she says "baby, come out" We just laugh because we are sure she has no idea what it will be like when "baby comes out". She'll be soon saying "baby, go back in"

Tess is great source of laughs around here. She says the funniest things and loves to make silly faces. She constantly has us on our toes, into everything, curious about anything and just desperate to get her hands on life.

Sydney (6) is my amazing helper. She is such a mommy. She is goofy and sensitive and we just lover her to pieces. She is really doing well in school. She is loving to learn to read. She can read quite well on her own now and is always reading signs or anything else she sees. She is also learning to knit and sew and is quite good. She visits her great-grandma every monday to work on her knitting and it is so fun to see her progress and also develop a relationship with her great-grandma.

Parker (8) is still my wild man. He is in constant motion and full of amazing sounds, so boy! He is also doing really well in school. I often find myself trying to find ways to make his work harder, I just can't keep up with his learning ability. He is really enjoying mastering some new tricks on his scooter, is learning to cook, and learning to take on some of the manly responsibilities around the house. I am so proud of my big boy!

Chris and I are great. Trying to keep life simple enough so we don't miss it! We lead a small group in our home and that has been a wonderful blessing. We are trying to do more service projects and live life outside ourselves (its a hard thing to do) I feel so blessed for the life we have but still so desire to be back in Idaho. God's timing and His plan ..... we just wait!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's Been a While Friend

I'm not sure why but blogging feels like an Idaho thing for me. I've even avoided reading other blogs .... I know, kinda weird. I really love being with friends in California again but I truly don't feel home here any more. Sadly, I'm afraid Chris does. He still wants to live in Idaho but I just can't seem to get him excited to make plans to get us back. Time will tell, in the mean time, I am enjoying the things of California and enjoying my family as always!
So an update ....
Baby #4 ~ is growing strong, still a pretty easy pregnancy ..... always tired of course! We tried to take a sneak peek of the sex but baby was not having it! We'll probably try again.
Tessa ~ is 20 months and is just a joy. She is very social, talkative and loves being with everyone. So happy she got through her clingy phase. She is very coordinated and holds her own keeping up with the big kids. The older two are so helpful with her, she has already learned that they can help or take care of her if she needs them (yeah, for homeschooling)
Sydney ~ is my little shadow, she is incredibly helpful. Everyday she amazes me with how in tune she is to me, it really is clear that we are kindred spirits! She is doing really well in school and has great determination, I often have to tell her that's enough for today. She is so social and really enjoys her little friends.
Parker ~ is my Boy, he has my heart in such a special way. He is my greatest daily challenge but also brings me the greatest sense of accomplishment. This kid is going to conquer the world. He is excelling in school, Chris and I often find him still reading in his bed at night when we go to bed (again, yeah, homeschooling, no alarm clocks) He will play with anyone anywhere and is always up for some fun.
Chris ~ is busy with work with his dad. Praise the Lord they have plenty of work. He has recently taken on a leadership role at church as a small group leader. The group will be for couples in our home and we are really looking forward to this. Of course he still fishes as much as he can. He has his annual trip to Colorado with a buddy in a few weeks and he is so excited!
Heather ~ besides playing with the kiddos ..... I have been enjoying my growing friendships. I was recently asked to serve on a board for a growing non-profit that is close to my heart (still praying about that one) and continue to seek God's direction for a women's study. With my lack of energy and my crazy hormones .... I'm just happy to make it one day at a time right now!

So, you can see we are doing well and reminded daily of God's amazing grace! We are so grateful for the love and support of our friends and family!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I know that I should post to update everyone but I can't even wrap my brain around that right now..... I'm exhausted! So, I'll make it short and sweet...... we're moved in and getting settled. Our first night last night was a bit rough for Chris and I ...... it's so much nicer to sleep in the middle of the forest than across the street from a University! Pray for better sleep tonight ... I need it! On a more pleasant note ... it has been so great to have so many friends just stopping by to help or just say "HI"

Monday, April 13, 2009

And the wind changes again....

It seems that this season of our life will be quite the journey. Almost a year ago, we moved to Idaho and have loved it! The year has held a lot of questions and obstacles but we have grown together as a family and really rejoiced in the challenge. It seems though that our journey will be taking us back to California for a while. We were not able to have the business we had originally started in Idaho and with the crazy economy, jobs are hard to come by and the pay is less than ideal. We are ready to move from my parents home but don't really see a way to do that with the current economy. So, with lots of prayer and amazing doors opening to help us make the decision..... we are packing to head back to California. We truly hope that it will only be a year or so before we can come back to nature where we feel so at home. We don't know God's plan and thats okay, He continues to take us down the path of unknown and He continues to sustain us in spite of our lack of vision for the next step. We are enjoying the journey and so grateful for how He provides. Although we are sad to leave Idaho and our friends here, we feel so blessed we get to return to a place that is familiar and full of love and support from family and friends. So, our journey continues and our prayer is that we are seeing God's purpose along the way.... how do the DeWitts fit into the ultimate plan for God's kingdom during this part of the journey?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Really, No Throwing Up?

Ok I know I probably shouldn't complain (which I'm actually not) but I have been soooo sick with all of my pregnancies and this time, so far, I feel GREAT! Ugh, but it makes me worry! Its strange but it seems that having "morning sickness" is reassuring that everything is going well. The funny thing is that our bodies actually are meant to be healthy during pregnancy and the morning sickness is a sign of unbalance. Its great to feel good but with all our miscarriages, I just felt anxious. I have been praying.... A LOT... and I thought that if maybe I took another test that would make me feel better. So I start looking through my bathroom and couldn't find another test, ugh.... Until this morning, I found a bag that I had taken on a girl's weekend and had thrown in a test because one of the girls thought she might be pregnant... long story short... she didn't need the test after all... and I could use it today. So, I took the test and oh so joyfully saw a very dark line show up immediately! Yeah, thank you God! So, stop worrying and enjoy not being sick!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh Baby!!!!

I've been dying to share our news but had to wait for my parents to return from California.......
We're Pregnant!!!!!

We are so very excited! We're due in the beginning of November (I'm 7 weeks).

The kids and I surprised Chris at the airport with a sign that said "Were Pregnant", it was very fun! The kids already think its a boy, Sydney's praying for twins, Chris and I are just praying for a healthy, living baby!

I feel great, which is so strange for me. With all three others, I had my head in the toilet, trash can or anything else I could find at a moments notice for the first three months! Already can't button my jeans, so weird!

So, keep us in your prayers as we are in God's hands and only He knows the future of this pregnancy and baby! We wait with great anticipation!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He actually got it!

I can't believe it but he got it ... the whole rice for dinner thing (previous blog).... it really hit him. We had a great conversation of how blessed we are to have the food we have and how often we get to eat. Then we went into talking about what our family has done (or not done) to deserve the life we have. Then Sydney chimes in with " this is kinda like how we've done nothing to deserve our salvation, it's just what God chose for us" hmmmm, yup, just like that baby! I love it when they get it ..... so often I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall ..... it's great to see these moments. I still can't believe they got it that easily ... Parker even chose to pass on his snack at children's church tonight ..... amazing

"I'm Staaaaarving"

Ugh, how I cringe every time one of my kids says these words. My children have never been in want for food. Our pantry and refrigerator are always FULL and I am quite relaxed about them snacking because they eat healthy. But yet, those words seem to pop up often........ well, tonight I've had enough. I was getting ready to prepare dinner and Parker asked if he could have a piece of fruit. I told him I was just starting to make dinner when he very pathetically declared that he was "staaaaaarving". My first thought was to let him feel what it was like to feel starved and not feed him at all, then I remembered that Parker with an actual empty stomach is not a fun person! So, hmmm, what to do! Kids around the world are blessed to even get a bowl of rice a day..... so tonight... rice it is .... and if he has some smart comment about it...... rice for breakfast tomorrow and so on until he gets it. Starving is an actual thing that children all around the world feel everyday. I will not raise self-center, close-minded children!

To be continued..........

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pray for Holland

Our dear friends drove to the hospital at 5am this morning to take thier two year old little girl, Holland, in for heart surgery. Please pray that the surgery will be a great success with out any complications and for a very speedy and painless recovery. Pray for mommy and daddy as they wait for their baby.

Update - The surgery went well. The hole in her heart was much larger than they expected but they were able to repair it. She is doing well. Please continue to pray.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do you LOVE your Bible?

I don't mean God's word (I pray you love that!) but I mean your actual physical bible. I have struggled in the past just sitting and really getting into my bible. I wasn't sure where to start and then I once I read something I often didn't understand what I read. So, I went on a hunt to find a bible that made a bit more sense to me. I came across the Parallel Study Bible and I LOVE it. My devotion time has never been better, I actually want to read my bible and I love understanding and getting more insight to what it means and the history behind it. I encourage you to go Bible hunting. Seek out a bible that you would enjoy reading. And once you find this Bible..... read it.... read it often..... God has given you every answer, encouragement and guideline for everything you will ever need! Happy hunting!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

God cares about the little things too....

So, you know I like the little things and I really try to take notice when Chris or the kids or anyone does something extra to make me feel loved. As many of you know, Chris has not been working up here in Idaho. He has a job but since there is not much snow, he's not working. Businesses (just like in California) are laying off. He continues to look for work but in the mean time .... God is taking care of us.... even in the little things! Even in this time, we will give Him praise because He is in control and He will provide. I'd like to share with you some of the things God has done for me this week. They are not life altering but they were important to me and God showed me how much He loves me by taking care of a few little things...
My "problem" - Chris and I have regular dates but it is a bit harder to have a date when you don't have any extra cash and it's freezing outside (no strolls in the park around here)
God's answer - I was given a gift card for starbucks for giving some ideas for fun things to do with your kids at home. So Chris and I enjoyed small drinks but a great time of feeling connected and loved.
My "problem" - I was almost out of facial toner (only cost about $12 but when you are not spending extra, $12 is $12)
God's answer - I went to a MOPS meeting and they had everyone bring skin care products that they had bought but not used and didn't want. Guess what someone brought .... yep, the toner I use (not even opened)
My "problem" - Valentine's Day, my parents are the only ones to watch our kids and they are gone and yet again "no extra spending"
God's answer - a new church that we just started visiting was having a valentine's dinner for couples and a party for the kids! Someone gifted for us to attend ($10 per plate) without our knowledge, we had a great night and got to know some really great people
My "problem" - ran out of side dishes for dinners, wasn't planning on shoppng for another week
God's answer - we had some friends over for dinner and they showed up with a bunch of frozen garlic/rosemary potatoes that they had recieved but didn't like .... my kids liked them
My "problem" - had to cancel getting my hair cut and colored for the second time (no, I'm not a true blonde anymore)
God's answer - My hair is not so bad and Chris even likes the color (I'm still hoping to work that into the funds soon ... priorities here)
I know that none of these things are a big deal but God knew they mattered to me and He wants me to know that even when times are harder .... He loves me and He will ALWAYS provide! Thank you God! Thank you for caring about the little things! Thank you for allowing us to recieve your love through others.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh the Joy!

I wish you could hear the squeals from Tessy and she discovered snow. She loves to watch at the window as its snowing but she hadn't actually been in yet.. free to roam and touch (with barehands mind you.... those gloves came off in a flash!) She loved it! In her own lttle word, she touched, tasted and took great pleasure in God's creation. Oh to have the uninhibited joy of a child!

Our newest family member!

I think the best pets usually find you! That's what happened with Washi. Last fall, he just started hangin' out with us! He'd disappear into the forest with the kids and seemed to always be at the door during dinner time. So, with a little investigating we found out that he lived down the way. The owner ended up calling us to see if we wanted him since it seem he wanted us. Washi belonged to her son who went off to college and apparently Washi needed kids around. So, we now have a dog! He is great with the kids. When Tess comes near him he usually gets down real low and lets her "love" him, he's so patient! He thinks he's a lap dog, loves to fetch, and loves to ride in the car/boat/quad trailer or anywhere else we'll let him go. He's a great dog and we love him!

Oh, how I love my husband!

This morning I awoke (after getting to sleep in, by the way!) to a gentle knock on the door and in came my oh so sweet hubby with breakfast, heart shaped pancakes and all! I'm not a big fan of all the goofy valentine's stuff but really appreciate when Chris does something a little extra to make me feel loved. And I felt oh so loved! It's the little things.... no extra expense... just some thought and lots of love!
Chris, I love you so much. You are such a gift and I feel so blessed and honored that God chose me for you! It is a joy to stand by your side in this great journey we call life!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Some things to pray for....

Hello friends, I just wanted to ask for prayer for a few things....
First.... a new friend I've met in Idaho was pregnant with twins and was scheduled to deliver the twins tomorrow but this morning one of the twins died. She has delivered both twins now. Please pray for God's grace for this family.
Second.... My parents were traveling to California towing a trailor with our screenprinting equipment (worth a lot of money) and my dads truck and the trailor were stollen. Ugh! God has a plan.....right!?! There will be many many decisions to make now for both my parents, Chris and I and also my brother (he was going to be running the printing business in Ca)
Third ..... Chris and I are really praying for God's direction for us. We really don't know what tomorrow holds (and were okay with that) but we have some decisions to make and really want to be sure we are following God's plan.

Thank you for your paryers, I hope that you will really pray and not just read this over and move on. How often do we hear of someone in need and really remember to pray specifically for them. Especially in these hard times, remember to lift eachother up to our Father.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome Baby Getty!

Nothing like a new baby! Yesterday, Feb. 5th, my brother, Damian and his wife, Victoria welcomed Getty Muir Hobson into the world. He is their first child and my first nephew. Mommy, daddy and baby are all doing well. Praise God for multiplying our family and for this sweet new little miracle. We can't wait to meet him.

Dame & Vic, you are going to be amazing parents, we are so excited for you! God has already blessed both of you with everything you need to raise this sweet little guy. He was made for you and you for him. We love you, all three of you ( and the dogs of course too!)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Every Woman Needs a Little Adventure

Ok girls, for all of you who have read Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. We as women need a little adventure, we need to be needed, and we need to feel a part of a bigger picture. So, today when Chris asked me if I would help him split some wood I thought no problem ..... but I had no idea how fullfilling this would be. First of all my very sexy husband is so strong and good at these kind of things (always good to see your husband at his prime).... bonus one..... and he truly needed me, no one else could have done what I did for him and he could not have done it without me ..... bonus two ...... and together we split enough wood to keep our children warm this winter..... bonus three.... I'm loving this adventure. I'm exhausted and sore but so happy!

If you haven't read Captivating I highly recommend it, it truly changed my life (this is the only book I can say that about) It is a great book to do with a small group of women and they even have study material you can get. Men, if you really want to know your wife ..... read this book!

Ok, bonus number four..... Sydney just looked out the window at Chris stacking the wood and said "oh look mommy, daddy is doing so good. He really is our hero" then she proceeded to the kitchen to get a muffin to take out to him that she baked this morning! She is becoming such a beautiful little housewife!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Mommy, what is Sex?"

So the other day I walked into Parker's room to put away some of Tessy's laundry and Parker was on his bed reading his Bible (he's been doing that a lot lately... yeah!) As I was opening Tessy's drawer, Parker hit me with the big question "Mommy, what is sex?" Eeek, wasn't ready for that one. So I asked him why he was asking, then he read from his bible Hebrew 13:4. At that very moment I almost began to cry ... not because my son was old enough to ask about sex ... not because I didn't know what to say .... but because my husband and I have a made a choice. A choice to read our bibles at times that our kids can see us.... a choice to homeschool so that we are the biggest influence in their day ... a choice to teach our children the importance of a respectful and pure relationship between a husband and wife. A choice that has honored God and given me a beautiful moment to share with my first born. My son is asking me about a very beautiful and wonderful gift from God beacuse he read about it in his Bible not because little "Billy" on the playground said his big sister does it. This is how God intended it to be. Thank you, God, for this gift in Parker and for this moment to share with him!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Finally Home!

Hello Everyone! We're finally home (we actually arrived last Tuesday) It is so beautiful ..... tons of snow! Chris is working for someone from our church doing snow removal (you boys in California better start working out .... can you say ... "upper body workout") We don't have internet connection at home right now (didn't get the line burried before snow fall and apparently the line was no match for the plow)
I'll update more latter... miss you all but so happy to be home