Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Nice Relazing Cozy Day .....eeeek!

Its such a wonderfully warm and cozy feeling to be nestled in your home (or in-laws home) when its raining outside. We had plans today but decided to cancel them and just have a down day. So there we were all relaxed when it happened ....... I was making lunch when Tess disapeared into the bedroom .... I thought there was nothing she could get into but didn't realize some boxes had been put on the floor that had a bag of fake snow...... oh Tess..... so with her little toothy grin (and her very stinky diaper, ugh) smiling up at me I started cleaning up the mess.... no problem .... then my dear 5 year old decides to come and show me her masterpiece ......

So apparently the make-up Oma has for her is not kids make-up and also apparently hot pink lipstick is not intended to be put on the entire face and hair.... it stains!
So Tessa now has a clean diaper.... the snow has been cleaned up and Sydney is still soaking in the tub but it looks like she'll have pink eyebrows and roots for a few days ..... yeah, Christmas pictures!!!!!!!! oh ... shoot I forgot lunch was on the stove....oops!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wearing Hiking Socks

So, last night I had a wonderful dinner at Mu with some of my girlfriends here in California. We had a great time (as usual) It felt so great to be with them and catching up on thier lives. I found myself though at times feeling a bit out of place .... not with my friends, I will always feel at home with them but with something in me. Coming "home" to California has been bitter-sweet. It feels so great to be with the people who know me best. The friends whos shoulders I cried on when we losed yet another pregnancy.... the friends who rejoiced with me when we welcomed a new baby ..... the friends who laughed with me .... and cried with me through every defining moment thus far! I love these friends and it is so strange to think of life without them phsically by me side. but ... this place ... doesn't feel like home anymore. I love Idaho.... I love our new place .... I love the life this new place is giving us and the relationship it is giving me with my family and my Creator. But I hate the ache ... the ache for the sisterhood I have in my friends here. I know it will take time to establish new relationships. So, as I came home from dinner last night I felt a bit torn. I love my new home but miss my old home. I sat down on my bed and took off my boots (not snow or rain boots but cute California boots) and it hit me ..... I was wearing hiking socks under my cute California boots and I realized that I can find comfort in both lives. I don't have to decide between the two lives, they can blend together. I don't have to leave my life here to have my life there. There are plenty of things I want to change but the things I want to keep ... my friendships, will remain. So, I'll keep wearing my cute california booots and my hiking socks.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We're off to California!

Yeah!!! Tomorrow we fly to California and we are so excited. Chris has already been there for a week and we are desperately missing him! We can't wait to see Oma& Opa (Chris' parents), my brother and sister-in-law(and her very pregnant tummy!), Chris's sister and brother-in-law, our grandparents and of course all our friends! So keep us in your prayers tomorrow as I fly with the kids (only one plane change) and for our time with our family and friends! You all can reach us at Chris parents house while we are there. We'll be flying back to Idaho on Dec. 9!
Can't wait to see everyone in California!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fishin' the Salmon River

So the guys went fishin and had a blast! Last week, Chris, my dad, Trent Ledeboer and Josh Smith went to the Salmon River (central Idaho) to go steelhead fishing! Apparently steelhead are really fun to catch (kinda like ocean fishing but in a River) The scenery was beautiful, the weather freezing (literally) and the fishing ...... Great!!!!! The guys caught more than any other group they ran into on their adventure! It all comes down to the perfect fishing hole and they found just the one ... so they got up every morning before the sun to "claim thier hole" before any other fishermen had a chance .... boys will be boys!
11 lbs, 31" Steelhead (caught by Chris)

29" Steelhead (caught by Trent)

Unfortunately, they didn't get a good photo of this one, they were too excited!
This is a 35" , 15 lb Wild Steelhead (caught by Josh) This fish was returned to the beautiful river to be caught again another day! (wild steelhead must be released)

So the guys had a great trip and we have a freezer full of beautiful steelhead!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, is this God's answer to keeping me at home?

Yesterday, the kids and I were driving home from town just enjoying the beautiful day. Recently our dirt road had been regrated and unfortunatly the edge of the road is a bit hard to determine because it turns to sand at certain points. Well ... as I'm driving along my front tire hits the sand and begins to sink. Ok... I can handle this ... hold tight .... oh shoot the back tire gets pulled in ... before I can react ... the side of the road gives way and sends us rolling over the edge! Oh ... it was so scary! We ended up on one side and as I turned to see the kids .... Tessa hanging there screaming .... Sydney completely barried with the most desperate look in her eyes .... and Parker already getting out of his seat to get "his girls" I quickly got Parker out the window and made my way to Sydney. Carefully taking things off her to make sure she wasn't hurt, all I could say was "it's ok, mommy's here" Seeing that Sydney wasn't hurt, I unbuckled her and as I turned to get her out the window (thinking I couln't take her out and leave Tess) a man gently took Sydney from my arms and asked "how many more you got in there" Thank God, only one more to get out! I quickly checked Tess and saw that she wasn't hurt either. Praise you God!!!!! Thank you!!!!! When I climbed out with Tess in my arms, I realized Parker was gone. The man (which ended up being a neighbor that heard the crash) said that he saw Parker running down the road towards home .... he was going to get daddy! He's such a little man! Another neighbor went to get Chris while a driver had already called 911 (did I mention that it is pretty rural where we live and there isn't usually too many cars or people around).
Wow! it happened so fast! I am so thankful for God's protection ... so thankful for a sturdy car and so thankful I am such a finatic with my kids carseats (Parker doesn't actually have to be in a carseat by law, but the rescue crew said they felt he would have been seriously hurt if he wasn't in a carseat .... thank you Lord!) As for the 'Cruiser' .... I am so sad to say that it is totalled! So sad ... we love our 'Cruiser'!
So, my answer to my last post .... yes, I get to be a hermit at home with my family .... I have no car! Besided being very sore today and quite easy to tears, I am feeling so thankful for God's protecion .... so thankful for car insurance and health insurance... so thankful for a husband who responded in complete love and understanding! So thankful that God always has a plan!!!!!
so, here's a few pictures after they flipped the cruiser back over .... I couldn't find my camera untill they flipped over the car and there it was under the car .... it still works ....yeah!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What next God?

So, I know God moved us here for a reason and I am so thankful He did..... but, now what? I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. Do I stay a hermit and focus on my family (which I'm actually enjoying), do I get involved at church, do I start a bible study, do I volunteer somewhere with the kids. I really feel like this season of my life is supposed to deticated to raising my family but is that it? Don't get me wrong ... I know it is a lot to raise a family but it seems like I should be doing something else .... or am I supposed to just BE! Is it just society saying 'there needs to be more' or is it God! It seems to be the never ending question for stay-at-home moms..... where do I put my time? Starting in a new place is kinda nice. I was excited that I have no committments, no obligations, no friends (besides you all of course) but it seems like at some point I have to join in the race again ..... but I don't want to! I like not having anything on my schedule. I like having the freedom to come and go as we please but is that where God wants me? Am I taking the easy road by not getting involved outside my home or am I just where God wants me .... What next God?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

whatcha doin' Tessy?

Oh my sweet little baby.... so cute, so innocent....oh how quickly they get into mischief! My friend, Heather and I were cleaning up dishes after dinner tonight and we looked over to find Tess havin' a ball taking out all the wipes. Hey, at least they were Heather's wipes she was wasting (sorry Heather) and I actually remembered to take a few pictures!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I really heard Him!

Yesterday I was taking a walk with Tessie down by our lake just enjoying the quiet and peace. As I was praying and just sharing my praise with God I began asking God to be more vocal in my life. I know He is always there but I am often moving to fast to hear Him or not really listening when He speaks. As I was asking this ... it dawned on me... as I quieted my own thoughts and just listened... all I could hear was God.... not a booming voice from heaven.... but a gentle breeze through the tall grass, the call of the osprey overhead and the gentle lapping of the water at the shore. I so often ask for God's presence but then keep talking and thinking. All this time, God is saying just be still and listen...I am all around you. There is a saying in our neck of the woods "Idaho quiet". Its true that there is a particular quiet here. Just the sound of nature. Just the sound of God.... but how easy it is to still miss it... He is right there... right here... wherever we are! We just need to quiet ourselves enough to hear!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Did you know Fall is an actual season?

So Fall actually exists in other (non-California) places, shocker huh? I so love Fall but really have never experienced it in its full. September has arrived and brought with it some rain, cooler weather and changing leaves! something else has arrives with it ... preparation for winter! One of our neighbors told us there are really two seasons up here... winter and preparing for winter! So, to try to "do as the locals" (oh wait, we are the locals now .... eeeek!) we are preparing for winter!
Parker hunting for our winter meat! (just kidding although he probably could bag us some good meat! I can't believe how good a shot he has!)
Choppin' wood!
My first time canning (I feel so domestic).... We picked about 60lbs of peaches (oh, they were so good) and canned a good amount of them. We also made jam (peach, blueberry, rassberry & blackberry, all picked from a local farm), fruit leather, cobbler and froze some puree (Tess is in heaven) Sydney had so much fun. My mom had canned a lot when I was little but hadn't canned for many years so it was a good learning curve but we had a great time ... well up untill the last of the jars.... at that point we just wanted to get it done!
So, next we winterize the house and shop ..... sounds like a lot of work but it really just adds to the adventure ... Chris might have a different thought on that!
I feel so blessed to be able to live the life that I have always wanted. I love spending my day in my home, doing things that are basic and simple but so fullfilling. I pray that I always look at this life as a blessing, even when we are up to our eyeballs in snow!


What a whirlwind this last few months have been. Chris' parents came up for a visit and we took a trip to Glacier. It was so great to see them and we had a wonderful time on vacation. The kids so miss their Oma and Opa, it wa sso good to see them together again. Glacier was beautiful, we stayed in a very cute cabin just outside the park. We lounged by the lake, went fishing, went to a bear exhibit (very cool) and the girls even had afternoon tea at a nearby tea house (you know me and tea parties!)
We had a few days at home with Oma and Opa to show them our everyday life and all the places we go. It was so hard to say good-bye at the airport (we all had tears as we got back to the car). We are so thankful they came up to visit.
After vacation, I had a few days to get laundry done and get repacked to go to Vegas with my friend Heather for a trade show. Tessy went with me and she did great! It was a busy week but very productive.
Parker is on a fishing trip with my dad on the St. Joe river. He calls everyday to "check on us" he is becoming such a big boy. Aside from the teenager attitude (ugh!) he is so much fun!
more to come soon!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

These aren't my shoes!

Many of you know that I recently went through a life changing experience with my dear friend Heather as she delivered her precious baby Sawyer, who had died just a few short days before delivery. I have been quite surprised at the emotions and new perspective this day has etched into my being. The other weekend Heather and I were spending a day in town (the guys took the kids blueberry picking.... thanks guys!) I had previously seen Heather in other situations of dealing with others responses to her and the death of Sawyer and would try to look past her response and really "feel" what she was going through. As we were in town there was a time that Heather was pushing Tessa in the stroller and I noticed others oohing over Tess. I thought to myself ..... maybe for that moment Heather was pretending that it was Sawyer that they were oohing over .... or maybe she was feeling that it just sucks.... it was supposed to be Sawyer that she was pushing in a stroller. A few moments later a mom with a new baby boy was in the same store as us and I felt my heart breaking as I stopped myself from my normal congratulations to the new mom. It has been such a blessing to walk this journey with Heather and I have learned so much on the way. As I try to walk with Heather each day where she is at it makes realize how much we all need someone to walk in our shoes. Maybe it isn't someone who has suffered a tragedy like the death of a child but whose shoes could you walk in ..... maybe instead of being frustrated at you very energetic child ..... slip into their shoes for a day, its hard to hold still..... instead of nagging at your spouse for that thing they havn't done .... slip into their shoes and see what they have done... instead of judging that mom on welfare .... slip into her shoes and feel her helplessness. Who ever it is, I guarantee if you put their shoes on, it will enlighten you with a whole new understanding.
I have to admitt Heather's shoes are very uncomfortable and although quite ugly form the outside, I am told that they will be lined with a beautiful silk some day. If I had the opportunity I would burn them for her, but I know that if I did that, then she would never get to feel the beautiful silk lining that God has in store for her someday .... so in the mean time.... I have decided that I will do my best to try them on every so often to see what they feel like just enough so I can help my friend... just long enough for her to get to that silk lining.
So, who's shoes will you try on? No really .... post what you learned from slipping into someone else's shoes.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oops... forgot Tessy!

Okay so I was reading over my blog from yesterday and realized I didn't update on Tess! Oh, poor third baby .... not really ... she gets more attention than anyone I think! The kids just adore her .... she is never lacking for attention! She is however a complete joy! Her first tooth immerged just this last week (and Parker lost his first!) and she thinks it feels quite funny to rub her tongue over it! She is standing quite well on her own and cruises the furniture like a pro! Even with all her new skills, she is very easy going, not to busy. She does the cutest little shy face with her head to the side and everyone thinks she's quite silly. She is completely in love with her daddy and big brother especially! She has them both wrapped around that little finger! Sydney is just another little mommy to her, she is so nurturing! So, as you can see ...she is a perfect addition to our little clan and we are blessed daily by her and our other two loves!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've Finally Done It!!!!!

I have had great intentions of creating a blog since we moved to Idaho ..... and finally here it is!!! We are really loving it here. I can't believe the things my kids get to do here. They spend most of their day out in the forest or down at the lake. Parker has become quite familiar driving the quad and using the tractor..... the other day he ran in very enthusiastically, needing to use the computer to look up "how to skin a squirrel" (he's got quite the shot with a BB gun) Sydney keeps up quite easily with Parker. It is so fun to see her bounce from a tea party in the play room to building a fort in the forest with Parker then in the kitchen baking with mom.
We are having a great time exploring our new area. We just got back today from Yellowstone and we had a wonderful time. It is such a blessing to really feel like you are living the way God intended you to. We plan to visit Glacier National Park next and hope to venture up into Canada soon.
My brother Damian and his wife Victoria were just up for a visit. We had a wonderful time with them, it is really weird living so far from them. Chris' parents are coming up next week.... we can't wait and our friend Josh is coming up in October for a fishing trip with Chris. We love having visitors and truly hope that more of you will plan a vacation up ....
Chris is keeping busy with our new screen printing business. He is also working at a local lodge just a few days a week as the business is starting. He fishes a few times a week and has been busy working on a fishing boat that he bought a week or so ago (he is in heaven) I really love having him around so much. It has been so great for the kids.
I am really enjoying the way of life up here. I'm enjoying baking and cooking, love that I get to buy my produce from a neighbor down the way, and am really cherishing the slower life.
We have found a church that we really like but aren't quit ready to call it home. This coming Sunday the church is having an event called "Serve Sandpoint" We are meeting at church for a short time of worship then we are spreading out into the community to do various service projects (right up my alley). We attended their family camp a few weeks back and made some nice connections. It is a bible teaching, missions minded church and we are just waiting on God to make it our home or take us some where else.
God has been so faithful .... although we deeply miss our friends and family ..... we really feel like this is our home. He has provided in more ways than we could have expected and we so look forward to our journey ahead.
I'll try to update often and will probably just journal sometimes to share what God is doing in the DeWitt family. We miss you all and so appreciate the calls, e-mails and letters (especially to the kids)
We pray this finds you actively living for your Saviour
All our Love, the DeWitt Family