Sunday, March 22, 2009

Really, No Throwing Up?

Ok I know I probably shouldn't complain (which I'm actually not) but I have been soooo sick with all of my pregnancies and this time, so far, I feel GREAT! Ugh, but it makes me worry! Its strange but it seems that having "morning sickness" is reassuring that everything is going well. The funny thing is that our bodies actually are meant to be healthy during pregnancy and the morning sickness is a sign of unbalance. Its great to feel good but with all our miscarriages, I just felt anxious. I have been praying.... A LOT... and I thought that if maybe I took another test that would make me feel better. So I start looking through my bathroom and couldn't find another test, ugh.... Until this morning, I found a bag that I had taken on a girl's weekend and had thrown in a test because one of the girls thought she might be pregnant... long story short... she didn't need the test after all... and I could use it today. So, I took the test and oh so joyfully saw a very dark line show up immediately! Yeah, thank you God! So, stop worrying and enjoy not being sick!


Crystal said...

Oh, so GOOD!
I've been praying for you and that little angel constantly!

MickyD said...


we are so excited and will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and birth. miss you!!


Frates Baby Farm said...

Isn't it interesting that we look for the nausea/vomiting? I totally understand what you are saying's odd when we actually feel normal, so good job mama, you're taking great care of yourself! I continue to pray for your family and "the bean." Miss you terribly and hope to see you soon!

Vanessa said...

NOT being sick is awesome! Enjoy it :) I barfed my brains out with Shannon and then felt perfect with Jake. They're all so different!