Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do you LOVE your Bible?

I don't mean God's word (I pray you love that!) but I mean your actual physical bible. I have struggled in the past just sitting and really getting into my bible. I wasn't sure where to start and then I once I read something I often didn't understand what I read. So, I went on a hunt to find a bible that made a bit more sense to me. I came across the Parallel Study Bible and I LOVE it. My devotion time has never been better, I actually want to read my bible and I love understanding and getting more insight to what it means and the history behind it. I encourage you to go Bible hunting. Seek out a bible that you would enjoy reading. And once you find this Bible..... read it.... read it often..... God has given you every answer, encouragement and guideline for everything you will ever need! Happy hunting!

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