Sunday, February 15, 2009

God cares about the little things too....

So, you know I like the little things and I really try to take notice when Chris or the kids or anyone does something extra to make me feel loved. As many of you know, Chris has not been working up here in Idaho. He has a job but since there is not much snow, he's not working. Businesses (just like in California) are laying off. He continues to look for work but in the mean time .... God is taking care of us.... even in the little things! Even in this time, we will give Him praise because He is in control and He will provide. I'd like to share with you some of the things God has done for me this week. They are not life altering but they were important to me and God showed me how much He loves me by taking care of a few little things...
My "problem" - Chris and I have regular dates but it is a bit harder to have a date when you don't have any extra cash and it's freezing outside (no strolls in the park around here)
God's answer - I was given a gift card for starbucks for giving some ideas for fun things to do with your kids at home. So Chris and I enjoyed small drinks but a great time of feeling connected and loved.
My "problem" - I was almost out of facial toner (only cost about $12 but when you are not spending extra, $12 is $12)
God's answer - I went to a MOPS meeting and they had everyone bring skin care products that they had bought but not used and didn't want. Guess what someone brought .... yep, the toner I use (not even opened)
My "problem" - Valentine's Day, my parents are the only ones to watch our kids and they are gone and yet again "no extra spending"
God's answer - a new church that we just started visiting was having a valentine's dinner for couples and a party for the kids! Someone gifted for us to attend ($10 per plate) without our knowledge, we had a great night and got to know some really great people
My "problem" - ran out of side dishes for dinners, wasn't planning on shoppng for another week
God's answer - we had some friends over for dinner and they showed up with a bunch of frozen garlic/rosemary potatoes that they had recieved but didn't like .... my kids liked them
My "problem" - had to cancel getting my hair cut and colored for the second time (no, I'm not a true blonde anymore)
God's answer - My hair is not so bad and Chris even likes the color (I'm still hoping to work that into the funds soon ... priorities here)
I know that none of these things are a big deal but God knew they mattered to me and He wants me to know that even when times are harder .... He loves me and He will ALWAYS provide! Thank you God! Thank you for caring about the little things! Thank you for allowing us to recieve your love through others.


Brigitte said...

It is fun to see how much you are able to change your perspective toward the positive. If you have visited my website lately then you know that I am working hard this year on doing the same thing! I think it is easy to see the bad, so much so that we miss the good. Thanks for share and I continue to pray that God will amaze you with great things in 2009!

Vanessa said...

Aww, Heather. I know you must be going through so many changes right now and it is amazing that you remain so positive. You are a great example!