Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Remember me?

I can't believe its been so long since I've blogged, I'm not sure if anyone will even see this!

Life for the DeWitts is going pretty great! Were kinda on a holding pattern right now, waiting for our little bean to arrive. He should be here any day. I feel great but very ready to hold my precious boy. The kids are beyond excited. Every morning Tessy (now 2) comes in and says "baby born?" then when I say not yet, she says "baby, come out" We just laugh because we are sure she has no idea what it will be like when "baby comes out". She'll be soon saying "baby, go back in"

Tess is great source of laughs around here. She says the funniest things and loves to make silly faces. She constantly has us on our toes, into everything, curious about anything and just desperate to get her hands on life.

Sydney (6) is my amazing helper. She is such a mommy. She is goofy and sensitive and we just lover her to pieces. She is really doing well in school. She is loving to learn to read. She can read quite well on her own now and is always reading signs or anything else she sees. She is also learning to knit and sew and is quite good. She visits her great-grandma every monday to work on her knitting and it is so fun to see her progress and also develop a relationship with her great-grandma.

Parker (8) is still my wild man. He is in constant motion and full of amazing sounds, so boy! He is also doing really well in school. I often find myself trying to find ways to make his work harder, I just can't keep up with his learning ability. He is really enjoying mastering some new tricks on his scooter, is learning to cook, and learning to take on some of the manly responsibilities around the house. I am so proud of my big boy!

Chris and I are great. Trying to keep life simple enough so we don't miss it! We lead a small group in our home and that has been a wonderful blessing. We are trying to do more service projects and live life outside ourselves (its a hard thing to do) I feel so blessed for the life we have but still so desire to be back in Idaho. God's timing and His plan ..... we just wait!