Saturday, September 13, 2008


What a whirlwind this last few months have been. Chris' parents came up for a visit and we took a trip to Glacier. It was so great to see them and we had a wonderful time on vacation. The kids so miss their Oma and Opa, it wa sso good to see them together again. Glacier was beautiful, we stayed in a very cute cabin just outside the park. We lounged by the lake, went fishing, went to a bear exhibit (very cool) and the girls even had afternoon tea at a nearby tea house (you know me and tea parties!)
We had a few days at home with Oma and Opa to show them our everyday life and all the places we go. It was so hard to say good-bye at the airport (we all had tears as we got back to the car). We are so thankful they came up to visit.
After vacation, I had a few days to get laundry done and get repacked to go to Vegas with my friend Heather for a trade show. Tessy went with me and she did great! It was a busy week but very productive.
Parker is on a fishing trip with my dad on the St. Joe river. He calls everyday to "check on us" he is becoming such a big boy. Aside from the teenager attitude (ugh!) he is so much fun!
more to come soon!

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